Category Archives: Digital Activism

Top 3 noticias del mes de septiembre 2018

No es tarea fácil escoger una “noticia del mes”. En este post comparto las “top 3” #noticias o artículos de septiembre 2018 que me parecieron más relevantes de lo que he leído. Los temas aquí reunidos son: la nueva directiva de copyright digital de la Unión…

Madrid 2016 y la post-verdad

Ha iniciado 2017 hace unos cuantos días, y al mirar mi blog… me di cuenta de que el último texto publicado tiene un año de antigüedad, casi al día exacto. Durante 2016 he estado la verdad muy ocupado para atender el blog… he escrito dos libros de no…


Steganography and Rhetoric in OSN

Steganography is the art to conceal a message in plain sight, a form of “security by obscurity.” It can be as simple as the “spy ink” that kids use, the hiding of information in digital pictures, up to the complex cultural messages hidden in images…

#Spanish revolution

Taking the Square: Digital Activism in Spain

Nobody expects the spanishrevolution. With this Python-inspired phrase and a V-mask a protester made the point that the Spanish political system is in turmoil. The construction bubble that sustained economic growth burst with the financial crisis of 2008. The result is a high level of…

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Democracy, Crowds and New Media

In Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds (1963), flocks have acquired some strange way of communicating and coordinating actions. The birds form swarms with a purpose: to challenge the peace of a small town.  Mrs. Bundy points out that they should not “have sufficient intelligence to launch a massed…

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Internet Freedom and Human Rights

In her recent speech in Washington DC, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton spoke of the Internet as the “new nervous system for our planet,” and about protecting its “basic freedoms.” She stopped short of advocating a human right to Internet #freedom. Her idea…

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The Memory of the Social Thing

Some ideas about how to go approach writing a history of the Online Social Network, the Virtual World (and MMORPGs)… The first step is to consider how Tom Standage has made a good case that the first instance of a social network, albeit not online or…

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Pervasive Social Production Networks

It is remarkable that the development of online collaboration, of social production networks and online communities, and of the New Commons itself, is happening in a backdrop of increased wariness with the perceived maladies of over-extended globalization, the surge in power of transnational corporations, the…

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The Herd Effect

We digital citizens are sometimes described as a herd.  We follow leaders, gather at certain places to exchange information, roam.  The herd can muster collective action, very much like swarms, using the most basic signals and feedback.  The herd is also a New Commons and its social capital…