All posts by Howell Oscar

Acerca de Jerarquías (On Hierarchies)

Nota: Este articulo se publico originalmente en el Blog Viralogia Los economistas modernos han restado importancia a un error.  Según ellos nuestro paradigma social y económico es la racionalidad y el interés propio. Pero el interés propio no describe por completo la motivación humana y…

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Sobre Jerarquías

Este artículo fue publicado originalmente en Viralogía Blog Los economistas modernos han restado importancia a un error.  Según ellos nuestro paradigma social y económico es la racionalidad y el interés propio. Pero el interés propio no describe por completo la motivación humana y social, así…

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Declaración de la Independencia del Ciberespacio

Documento original en Inglés: A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace Por John Perry Barlow Traducción por Oscar Howell (, 2008, 2010. Gobiernos del Mundo Industrializado, agotados gigantes de acero y carne: yo represento al Ciberespacio, el nuevo habitáculo de La Mente. Hablo por…

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Computing: Ubiquitous, Pervasive and Social (Human)

The publication of the book “The Future of the Internet and How to Stop It”  by Jonathan Zittrain opened up an important discussion about the form that the Internet might be adopting as a social and political phenomenon.  At about the same of publication the article “Ubiquitous…

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The Memory of the Social Thing

Some ideas about how to go approach writing a history of the Online Social Network, the Virtual World (and MMORPGs)… The first step is to consider how Tom Standage has made a good case that the first instance of a social network, albeit not online or…

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The Kamikaze: sabotage of the system

As the V-1s and V-2s started flying off from Pennemuende to London, fire control systems were confronted with a new kind of threat.  The flight of the rockets was highly predictable, and the control systems quickly adapted, or learned, how to deal with them.  A…

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Relics and Social Networks

This is a photo of a reliquary holding a tooth of Mary Magdalene, held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.  As I stood in front of this piece and took this photo I could not ignore the flood of information it conveyed to…

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Pervasive Social Production Networks

It is remarkable that the development of online collaboration, of social production networks and online communities, and of the New Commons itself, is happening in a backdrop of increased wariness with the perceived maladies of over-extended globalization, the surge in power of transnational corporations, the…

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The Herd Effect

We digital citizens are sometimes described as a herd.  We follow leaders, gather at certain places to exchange information, roam.  The herd can muster collective action, very much like swarms, using the most basic signals and feedback.  The herd is also a New Commons and its social capital…

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Reality Mining and Obscurity

Human Ethics is based upon 3 principles: The first is a claim that there is something bigger than the human being itself that supports every system of thought or natural law.  The second two are about how humans relate to one another in a social and political setting: Reciprocity and…